Friday, February 20, 2015

Crazy yellow

Hello everyone, today I show some unusual nail art. Well.... I still don't know it I like it or not. The only thing I can think is "It's crazy!". XD I have received some comments on this nails. I guess someone liked it. What do you think?

I just got this idea of using a yellow nail polish. At first I thought to make the rainbow gradient nail but then I said why don't do something different. And that's what come out.

I applied the only a base coat before the yellow nail polish 'cos it has a good coverage but when I have removed it my nails were all yellow >.< The situation was not so bad (I have seen worse) but still it wasn't pleasant. :(
If I will use it again I will put 1 or maybe 2 coat of a white nail polish before. I hope it will be enough to protect my nails.

Material used:

- Essence studio nails anti split nail sealer
- Flormar 420
- Kiko 275
- Essence Studio nails Better than gel nails Top coat
- dotting tool
- stripes

Has someone of you tried this nail polish? Did you have the same problem?


  1. Meni ovo jako zanimljivo izgleda. :)
    Ja sam imala problem sa Maybelline Colorama plavim lakom, užas su mi bili nokti i još uvek se nisu sasvim oporavili (a prošlo je doosta vremena od tada) :/

    1. Joj baš mrzim kad mi se to desi. Ja sam probala izbjeliti nokte sa limunom ali žuta boja je i dalje bila vidljiva >.<

  2. Very pretty nails!!! Nice blog!!
    would you like to follow each other? let me know...I always follow back
    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  3. wow, very elegant and classy- I love this bright yellow so very much :D

    1. Thank you!!! :D With this bright color it's impossible to remain unnoticed XD

  4. This looks great!! Very elegant with the black tips :)

    1. Thank you!!! I wasn't sure about publishing it but, surprisingly, I see that a lot o people like it. :)

  5. I love this nail art <3
    Great follower ;-) follow me at:

  6. Beautiful blog and I totally love your nails they are very pretty.Your new fan on GFC ,You are welcome to visit my blog too.Stay in touch.

  7. Thank you so much for your lovely comment!!!
    I follow you with GFC and I added you by g+ too!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!!! and my g+ for your post!!!:)))

  8. Woww...beautiful nail art!!! You have a great blog! I'd love if you checked out my blog, and if you like it, can we follow each other on “GFC” (blog followers), “Google+”, and bloglovin? I promise I’ll follow you back <3


    "Health & Beauty"

  9. Great nail art, I like the design. That yellow is just so bright! :-D

  10. It looks beautiful! I love the bright pop of yellow with the intricate design. It looks fabulous. I have when bright colours leave nails looking tinted :( I am sure you will be able to restore the natural colours <3 xx

    1. Thank you very much!! :)
      yeah I hate that too!!! I was also thinking of trying the neon nail polishes but I am not sure if they have the same problem... ><

  11. Idea grandiosa e assolutamente d'effetto.... brava, mi piace molto!

  12. Thank you so much for stopping by and for following! I'm following you back now on ”GFC” (#13) "Maria", ”Google+” and ”bloglovin (#9)”....and I clicked there on the "♥save button" (below each post) on all your posts, to show my appreciation ;)
    Keep in touch sweetie! Hope you have a fabulous week<3


    "Health & Beauty"

  13. Bellissima nail art! Adoro i colori neon abbinati al nero e il giallo+nero è la mia combo preferita! Peccato per lo staining, però. :(

    1. Anche a me piace il contrasto giallo-nero.. pero quando ce lo avevo sulle unghie ci ho messo un po' ad abituarmici... Non facevo altro che fissarle XD

  14. što se mene tiče ovo ti je fantastična manikura <3
    gdje si samo do sad skrivala ;)

    1. Hvala!! Nisam mislila da će se ljudima toliko siđati ova luda manikura. XD

  15. Beautiful! Love the base color <3

  16. i just follow your blog.
