Sunday, July 2, 2017

Nocibé Mini nail polish 02 Try

Hi!!! :D
This a brand that I bought when I was in France. The color is very nice and the coverage is really good! I was searching for a nice light pink that has also a good pigmentation. Usually they are kinda jelly and very transparent but here I got exactly what I was searching for. With only two layer you can reach a nice coverage. The consistency is a little bit thick and it dries fast so you must be quick during the application if you want a homogeneous coverage.
The brush I flat and rounded and it was easy working with it. I wish there was a bigger size of this nail polish cause I like it a lot.

Overall: 5/5

Thank you for stopping by.


  1. Che bel rosa confetto! Mi piace un sacco =)

  2. Very nice pink shade and I like it's shimmer too.

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